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Greenbriar Civic Association

The Greenbriar Civic Association represents almost two thousand homeowners in Western Fairfax county. Our neighborhood features desirable schools, convenient amenities, rare walkability and visitability, and convenient access to our nation's capitol. We are a culturally diverse community with families from various walks of life. We encourage you to explore the benefits of participating in your civic association!

Since the first house was sold in the summer of 1967, our neighborhood has grown to 1,919 homes in one of the finest communities in Northern Virginia. Its shopping center, schools, parks, swim club, ball fields, tennis courts, community center, and a host of active clubs make Greenbriar the place to live. Some of our original homeowners still call this neighborhood home and many families represent two or three generations in this neighborhood. We trust you will feel at home.

Membership Renewal

We encourage you to go to the New Member Signup page of our website to join the Greenbriar Civic Association. Residents’ membership dues make up the bulk of our budget. These dues benefit our community by allowing us to sponsor various events and activities: 
  • an annual scholarship award for further education,
  • annual Easter egg hunt,
  • summer concerts in the park,
  • spring clean-up day,
  • semiannual community yard sales,
  • annual holiday party and visit from Santa,
  • supporting our local schools and Scout troops,
  • beautifying the entrances to our neighborhood,
  • improvements to Greenbriar Commons Park,
  • and more.
These activities help facilitate a better quality of life for Greenbriar residents.

Your membership strengthens the GCA position in lobbying county and state representatives to consider our community’s needs when planning new projects.

And GCA members benefit from a significant discount on Cale Community Center rentals

Current renewals will be for the membership year starting July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.


Returning members please Log In to check your membership status.

Member Login

New members please Sign Up below.

 New Member Signup

greenbriar flyer

Download The Greenbriar Flyer

The Greenbriar flyer is the community's leading newspaper. Our monthly newsletter, features articles on activities in her neighborhood, upcoming events, and information about gardening and other special interests. You can download copies of the Greenbriar Flyer here. You will need PDF reader to view the download.

February March Greenbriar Flyer

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